来源:戴彧虹 发布时间:2018-09-04 阅读量:42282
2018年8月5-9日,第11届亚洲及太平洋地区运筹学会联合会学术大会(11th Triennial Conference of the Federation of Asia Pacific Operations Research Societies, APORS2018)在尼泊尔首都加德满都召开。APORS会议每三年召开一次,本次会议由尼泊尔运筹学会主办,会场设在Radisson Hotel Kathmandu,会议主题为:运筹与发展(OR & Development)。
在开幕式上,APORS主席、尼泊尔运筹学会主席Sunity Shrestha Hada致欢迎词,国际运筹学联合会(IFORS)副主席Chang Won Lee 发表了热情洋溢的祝贺。会议邀请的大会报告包括Keynote Lecture Edward H. Kaplan (Operations Research and Public Health), IFORS Distinguished Lecturer Leo Liberti (Random Projections in Mathematical Programming), Hanyang Univ., Korea的Chang Won Lee (Country Productivity and Development Efficiency Evaluation Using DEA), Indian Statistical Institute的Debudulal Duttaroy (OR in Safe School Perception and School Attendance Motivation), IIM Ahmedabad, Indian的N. Ravichandran (Service Quality by Using Social Media: The Experience of Indian Railways), Univ. of Massachusetts Amhers, USA的James M. Smith (Evaluation Network Performance Modelling and Optimization), Lancaster Univ. Management School的Matthias Ehrgott(Considerations of Sustainability in Transportation: A Case for Multi-Objective Optimization),Zhejiang Univ.的Guochuan Zhang (Bike Rebalancing: Models and Algorithms), Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal的Tanka Dhamala(Flow Models and Solution Strategies in Emergency Planning), Chinese Academy of Sciences的Yu-Hong Dai (Spectral Gradient Methods for Optimization), Univ. of Kent, UK的Niaz Wassan(Changing Shapes of OR: Case of Vehicle Routing in Transport Logistics), Univ. of Alabama的James J. Cochrana(How to Discuss Big Data in an Introductory Statistics Class), Univ of Chinese Academy of Sciences的 Tiande Guo (Fingerprint Recognition and Applications). 这些邀请报告与会议主题-运筹与发展密切相关,受到听众的欢迎。参加本次会议的100多名代表中,大多数做了分组学术交流。5名来自中国大陆的学者参加了会议并作了学术报告。
加德满都是尼泊尔首都,坐落在喜马拉雅山南坡,是一座拥有1200多年历史的古老城市。气候宜人,终年阳光灿烂,绿树葱郁,鲜花盛开,有“山中天堂”之美誉。会议组织代表参观了巴德岗(Bhaktapur)王宫广场以及最高的湿婆佛像(Lord Shiva)。会议最后一天还组织丰富多彩的尼泊尔文化表演活动,体现出尼泊尔人民朴素自然、热情好客的社会文化。
尼泊尔运筹学会(www.orsn.org.np) (Prof. Sunity Shrestha Hada)为本次会议做了大量精心细致的准备工作。与会APORS成员国的代表一致表示,这是一届成功的国际交流会议。
Year |
Venue |
Host/Chair |
1988 |
Seoul, KOREA |
Prof. Woong Bae Rha |
1991 |
Beijing, CHINA |
Prof. Guang-Hui Hsu |
1994 |
Fukuoka, JAPAN |
Prof. Masao Iri |
1997 |
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA |
Prof. Santosh Kumar |
2000 |
Prof. Kim Lin Chew |
2003 |
New Delhi, INDIA |
Prof. S.P. Mukherjee |
2006 |
Ms. Elise del Rosario |
2009 |
Jaipur, INDIA |
Prof. Bani K Sinha |
2012 |
Xi’an CHINA |
Prof. Ya-xiang Yuan |
2015 |
Kuching, MALAYSIA |
Prof. Ilias Mamat |
2018 |
Kathmandu, NEPAL |
Prof. Sunity Hada |